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Springtime Sweater Knit Pattern




Extra-Small (Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large). Instructions are for smallest size, with changes for other sizes noted in parentheses as necessary.


Bust: 34 (371/2, 42, 46, 50)” Total length:211/2 (22, 22, 221/2,221/2)”


Skacel’s Polo (sport weight; 60% cotton/40% acrylic; each approx oz/50g and 153 yd/138 m), 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) balls Lime #77

One pair each of sizes 5 and 6 (3.75 and 4 mm) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge

Cable needle Stitch markers


In Garter Ridge Patt with larger needles, 22 sts and 28 rows = 4″. To save time, take time to check gauge.

GARTER STITCH PATTERN (over any number of sfs)

Pan Row: Knit.

Repeat Pan Row.


SSSK = Slip next 3 sts knitwise one at a time, then insert LH needle into the fronts of these 3 sts and knit them tog from this position.

SSK = Slip next 2 sts knitwise one at a time, then insert LH needle into the fronts of these 2 sts and knit them tog from this position.


Row 1 (RS): Knit.

Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl.

Rows 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11: As Row 1.

Rows 13 and 14: Purl.

Repeat Rows 1-14 for patt.


(over middle 24 sts) See chart


With smaller needles, CO 83 (90, 100,110, 120) sts. Work Garter St Pan until piece measures approx 1″ from beg, inc 15 (16, 18, 20, 22) sts evenly across last row-98 (106, 118, 130, 142) sts.

Change to larger needles, and set up patts as follows: Work Row 1 of Garter Ridge Patt across first 37 (41, 47, 53,59) sts, place marker, work Row 1 of Lacy Calilc Panel over middle 24 sts, place marker, work Row 1 of Garter Ridge Patt across last 37 (41, 47, 53, 59) sts to end row.

Work even in patts as established until piece measures approx 12″ from beg, ending after WS row.

Shape Armholes

Cont patts as established, BO 6 (10, 12, 14, 18) sts at beg of next two rows-86(86, 94, 102, 106) sts rem. Cont even in patts as established until piece measures approx 20 (201/2, 201/2, 21, 21)” from beg, ending after WS row.

Next Row (RS): Work patts as established across first 15 (15, 19, 23, 25) sts; join second ball of yarn and BO middle 56 sts, work patts as established to end row.

Work both sides at once with separate balls of yarn, and dec 1 st each neck edge every row three times 12 (12, 16, 20, 22) sts rem each side. Cont even, if necessary, until piece measures approx 201/2 (21, 21, 211/2, 211/2)” from beg, ending after WS row.

Shape Shoulders

BO 3 (3, 4, 5, 5) sts each shoulder edge twice, then BO 3 (3, 4, 5, 6) sts each shoulder edge twice.


Same as back until piece measures approx 141/2 (15,15, 151/2, 151/2)” from beg, ending after WS row.

Shape Neck

Next Row (RS): Work pans as established across first 29 (29, 33, 37, 39) sts, K2tog, place marker, work pan as established across next 12 sts; join second ball of yarn and work pats as established across first 12 sts, place marker, SSK, cont pan as established to end row. Work both sides at once with separate balls of yarn, and work fully-fashioned decreases in this manner at markers every other row sixteen more times, then every fourth row twice-24 (24, 28, 32, 34) sts rem each side. Cont even until piece measures same as back to shoulders, ending after WS row.

Shape Shoulders

Same as back. Cont even in Lacy Cable Panel on rem 12 sts each side until neckbands, when slightly stretched, meet at center back of neck.



With smaller needles, CO 44 (48, 48, 48, 48) sts. Work Garter St Patt until piece measures approx 1″ from beg, inc 8 (8, 8, 9, 9) sts evenly across last row-52 (56, 56, 57, 57) sts.

Change to larger needles, beg Garter Ridge Patt, and inc 1 st each side every fourth row 0 (3, 4, 15, 18) times, then every sixth row 17 (19, 18, 9, 6) times, then every eighth row 4 (0, 0, 0, 0) times-94 (100, 100, 105, 105) sts.

Cont even until piece measures approx 21 (21, 201/2, 20, 191/2)” from beg, ending after WS row.



Sew shoulder seams. Sew sides of neckbands to the neckline. Sew bound-off edges of neckbands tog at the back of the neck. Set-in sleeves. Sew sleeve and side seams.

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